Monday 16 January 2012

Blue Monday

Today is supposed to be the worst Monday of the year not sure why (perhaps the arrival of the Christmas Credit Card bills) it has been OK as far as I am concerned.

I did not post over the weekend as I have not been well but I probably will not post at the weekends anyway as the markets are closed, unless something dramatic happens.

Much uncertainty about the Euro again with some very mixed messages depending on who you listen to, just reflecting the fact that nobody really knows how it is going to pan out I am sure 2012 will be a very volatile year.

As for my shares they have finished exactly the same as the close on Friday so the loss is still £29.52 patience will be required :)


  1. I remember you saying that patience isn't your strong point, so this will be interesting ;- ) Well after a very, not so good weekend, Blue Monday was actually very good for me! Let's hope the rest of the week is as kind....

  2. Yes patience is not one of my virtues so will be quite a test. Glad today has been good for you sorry you had a pants weekend too.

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