Wednesday 18 January 2012

Virtual Reality

Following the comments from Tempewytch it made me think about the psychology of what I am doing at the moment - the trial period. There is a terrible temptation to wish that whilst things are going well that I was using real money - but of course when fortune reverses as it is bound to do I will be relieved that it's just monopoly money (although I am very competitive when playing monopoly :) ) The roller coaster of emotions is very interesting - I am glad to say that the temptation to keep checking the share prices is lessening. With the first share doing well so far it has made it even harder to choose the next trade as I don't want to spoil what I have already achieved and of course my ongoing profit will immediately be reduced the moment I purchase another share due to the costs, spread etc. but hopefully I will be able to find the right share soon as I am not going to make profits on cash left in my account.
The profit to date is £59.28 very pleased with that well ahead of my target so far.


  1. Oops didn't mean to cause temptation!

  2. LOL temptation is good especially when you resist it!

    It is good to have a chance to think about what is going on in my head as that is going to play a large part when I trade for real so please carry on I appreciate the comments.

  3. Ooh don't get appreciated that much (except by the wonderful Dr Wytch!)

  4. Well Dr. Wytch's appreciation is of course the most important but it is nice to know that I am not just waffling on to myself

  5. I can't sleep! However, it gives me chance to catch up with your blog. For some reason I can't see add comments when on my laptop, but can on my 'phone.
    I think you right to avoid temptation at such an early stage. You have done well to do so, as I'm not sure I would have the same level of will power!
    I hope you manage a quiet weekend!

  6. Have just noticed the time it says on my last post. It's actually 4.20am! I'm not being lazy expecting to sleep past 8am ha ha!

  7. I have tried to adjust the times but it is not playing at the moment 4.20am is not funny. I have not posted for a couple of days as I have been having a break as I have been overdoing it :( but hopefully will get a chance to update fully tomorrow hope you sleep better tonight.

  8. Finally back here! You're doing really well - thats a great pick! Tho I'm still really glad you're staying with the paper only route.

    I haven't posted on mine either for over a week now, but I'm hoping to do that this afternoon, I'm cracking on with sorting stuff right now.


  9. That's good you're being sensible and having a little break from a few things. Hope you feel re-energised soon. Sleep has been my friend again thank goodness! Sadly I had a big worry about a situation I couldn't resolve. I did manage to be an influence though so hopefully all will be ok. Life is full of challenges isn't it? X

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